0800 835 699
Wellington: 04 567 8436
or North Island region: Craig (027) 442 2942
Nelson: 03 546 5644
Jos Willems (Branch Manager)
or South Island region: Rob (027) 235 7447
Email: info@stratmore.co.nz
Head Office (Wellington)
185 Rata Street, Naenae
Lower Hutt 5011
Nelson Branch
11b Pascoe Street
Nelson 7011
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This website provides brief product descriptions of our products. Information is included for illustrative purposes only. It is not a product application guide.
Do not use or specify our products without following the printed application guidelines on the current technical data sheets, product labels, material safety data sheets and any other supporting literature. We reserve the right to alter formulations without notice.
Properties as stated were determined under controlled laboratory conditions.
We give no guarantee of results of product use since conditions of use are beyond our control. Buyers and users are urged to make their own assessment of our products under their own conditions and for their own requirements.
If you are a customer, then any contract with you is in accordance with our latest terms and conditions, which are available on request or can be downloaded from this website. Where goods are acquired for business purposes, the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 does not apply.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, we have no liability (whether statutory, in contract or negligence or otherwise) to buyers, users or specifiers of our products for any physical, direct or indirect damage, economic loss or any other loss or costs caused or contributed by us or any of our agents or employees in respect of any goods or services supplied. Also to the maximum extent permitted by law, all conditions and warranties expressed or implied by statute or common law, equity, trade custom or usage or otherwise howsoever are excluded. If, despite this, Stratmore Construction Solutions Limited is found to have any liability, then it is agreed that the liability is limited to the price of the relevant goods or services purchased.
We take your rights, along with the privacy and confidentiality of your data, seriously. In accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 the information that you provide is the least amount of information that we require for engaging with you and allow us to provide you with the information requested from us. For any questions about the collection and use of your personal data, please get in touch on info@stratmore.co.nz